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If you haven’t yet read The Genesis, |
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The Genesis | NO | 950 Words |
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If you haven’t yet read The Genesis, |
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The Genesis | NO | 950 Words |
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So…it’s been a while since I did a proper update. In short, life’s been weird the last few months. I’ll probably go into detail on my personal blog once the dust has settled. In the meantime, here’s some updated links to updated versions of “The Genesis”, which now has significantly less typos and other errors. Woot.
Kindle US: http://amzn.to/UmjhdG
Kindle UK: http://amzn.to/S9LCxw
I’m still hoping to get the paperback version released, but it will probably be some time after Christmas now.
Bear with me. I’ll get there =)
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If you haven’t yet read The Genesis, |
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The Genesis | YES, MINOR | 600 Words |
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If you haven’t yet read The Genesis, |
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The Genesis | YES, MINOR | 1,300 Words |
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My book is out! My book is out! My book is out! My book is out! My book is out! My book is out! My book is out! My book is out! My book is out! My book is out! My book is out! My book is out! My book is out! My book is out! My book is out!
Did I mention that my book is out?
Not sure if it’s going to be your cup of tea? Read the sample here! Go on. You owe it to yourself.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’m going to have a little lie down. All this excitement is just too much for me.
Holy shit, it’s getting close! I’m all excited and terrified and giddy and nauseous.
In anticipation of the thousands hundreds tens of sales I’m predicting, I’ve decided to offer a pre-order option for those of your just aching to get your greasy mitts on this book.
I’ll also be putting up a PDF sample over the weekend, so those of you who haven’t yet been won over by my charming personality and winning smile can get a taster for the book itself.
I keep saying this so much that it’s becoming something of a catch phrase, but it bears repeating: THESE ARE EXCITING TIMES, PEOPLE. Get your party hats on, because it’s about to go WILD.
* Pre-orders will be e-mailed in the chosen format to the e-mail address provided through PayPal, at midnight GMT on 12th September 2012.
Right, so the time is readily approaching for the release of my first* book, “The Genesis”, and I just thought I’d throw up some information regarding release dates and formats and whatnot.
First off, release date:
12th September 2012
Mark your calendars! Put reminders in your phones! Send out the carrier pigeons!
Now for the bad news. Sit down. Oh, you’re already sitting. Well, then…
“The Genesis” will, at first, be released in eBook format only.
I’m sorry. Don’t hit me!
Before you get out your pitchforks and torches and chase me into the woods screaming, “EBOOKS ARE GOING TO BE THE DEATH OF LITERATURE!”, let me explain.
I’m doing this for a number of reasons, including distribution and speed of release. The appealing thing about eBooks from a writer’s point of view is their (relative) ease of creation. I don’t have to worry about spine sizes, paper weight, or cost. Provided I create the book in the correct format (which I’ve also hear horror stories about, but I’m hoping my web design past might help me crawl though those trenches relatively unscathed), a release can be pretty immediate.
The reason I’m not doing it sooner is because I have a few minor tweaks that still need to be, well, tweaked. Also, I’d like to give it just one more read through before it’s released into the wild. And the reason I want to read it again is:
More fear-inducing than the idea that people just won’t like my writing style, or the story, or the characters, or me, is the thought that someone, somewhere will pick up a shiny paperback copy of The Genesis, only to find a typo on page 20.
And this isn’t to say that I’m trying to put out unfinished work. Ohhhhh, no. But authors and publishers the world over will tell you that there are typos in almost every book ever released.
I re-read the thing about three times. I also had a text-to-speech program read it to me while I read, making doubly sure that my eyes weren’t skimming or substituting any of the words (which is a marvellous–if somewhat time consuming–editing tip that I can’t recommend enough).
I paid my editors to clean up the manuscript, which they did all over the place.
I then had other people read the finished product, who found more typos we’d all missed. I have no doubt there will be more hiding in there somewhere, giggling like schoolgirls as they wait to trip up the unassuming reader who picks it up.
At $50 per revision, I’d rather hold off a month or so, check it again and again and again.
As an indie author, there aren’t many options for pre-order.
That said, here are links to my Amazon and Smashwords profiles. Once the book is released, going to these will also get you links to the book itself. I’ll update with actual book links once it’s out:
Amazon (MOBI format) – Smashwords (EPUB format)
I want to make it as easy as possible for readers to get a copy of this book (of course, that ideally would involve releasing a paperback edition, but let’s not nitpick).
You don’t need an e-reader in order to read e-books. You can get the Kindle App for free, which will work on any of the above formats (links take you to the Amazon site).
I think that’s about it for now.
Once the book’s actually released, I will start posting some extra bonus material o/
* It is my first book, written from scratch, but it is also technically a retelling of my older book, also called “The Genesis”, listed under the now defunct and unavailable Vampyr Snyper series title. For more information on this, including how to claim a free copy of the new book if you purchased the original, click here.
So I’m ploughing through what promises to be the final ever edit I do (before it goes to an editor–that’s right, an actual editor that I have to pay in cash and not in promises of love and devotion) of The Genesis, and it’s painful. See, last October, when I had this oh-so-amazing idea to start the entire first book over again in order to better suit it to the rest of the series’ progression, I wasn’t thinking it through. Yes, in the long run, it will be better, but hell if it’s not painful to work on now.
Some plot points that made perfect sense now don’t; some characters are doing things that isn’t right “because the plot says so”; there’s still a fair number of plot points that are glossed over completely. It’s horrible, and I’ve really painted myself into a corner, in that I love the new stuff and I know it will be better this way, but some of the old stuff just…worked better, and it’s tempting to just revert back.
Worse still, Muse is getting impatient. I can hear it in her voice when we talk, mostly because she’s yelling “Just f*cking finish it!” at the time.
Anyway, main reason for posting is that all six or so of you who are actually waiting on something to happen with this series can know that I am still working on it. I’m working on it every day.
I want, I need, this book to be finished. I need to be able to draw the line under it and move on. I have stories yet to tell, and you never know when that bus is going to hit you (though, to be fair, you do have to leave the house in order to be hit by a bus).
The other reason for posting is to share some new techniques (or not new, but rather I’ve just never tried them before) I’m finding quite helpful this edit.
I was inspired by this video by Charlie McDonnell, who picked the technique up from an interview with Jerry Seinfeld. Basically, you get a calendar, and on that calendar you set a goal of a minimum requirement that you must complete each day (for Charlie, it’s 30 minutes working on a video; I’ve set my goal as 2 hours spent editing, which doesn’t sound like a lot, but I’ll get to that in a minute).
Here’s my calendar so far:
I am yet to break the chain. I feel so empowered.
I should point out that two hours is not what I usually do. It is the minimum I am allowed to do before I can consider my chain unbroken for the day. I often do much more. Most days I finish work at 5pm, immediately open my MacBook (I’m not some kind of space-bending wizard: I work from home), and I will still be working on it at 11pm (give or take an hour or two chatting on Skype, but shh, don’t tell anyone). Being childless and having zero responsibilities (housework, what’s that?) is great.
(Small point: Charlie’s video was posted on the 19th April; I started on the 21st. I don’t know what I did on those two days between watching the video and starting the process–I’m just going to go out on a limb and assume I was drunk.)
I have had an app that does just this very thing specifically for writers for some time, and–as you might expect–I’ve never used it. Bad monkey.
Basically, all set a daily target, and you have to update every day with your progress, else you break the chain.
Sensing a theme here? Good.
In any case, I’m sure that would’ve been really handy when I was writing the earlier draft, but never mind. I’m sure it’s a wonderful app, I just never got around to using it, and now it’s not really relevant, because I’m not basing my productivity on word count.
You can get the Write Chain app for iPhone from How Not to Write.
A little while ago, Muse was telling me about this article she’d read about using a timer to boost productivity. I went and looked up this article, and this was my introduction to the Pomodoro Technique.
She’s since forgotten this conversation, since when I reminded her that she was the one to first tell me about it, she was all, “I’ve never heard of it.” We’re getting old before our time, Muse and I.
Anyway, while it sounded interesting, I didn’t actually look this up again until I’d started my “Don’t Break the Chain” calendar, and was looking for the absolute best way of going about this whole editing business.
While it can be a full lifestyle changer, in its essence, the technique is a time management system, which works like this:
I’m not doing it justice. Just go read it instead. You can get a PDF of the book, the quick start “cheat sheet”, the to-do list and the activity log FOR FREE (and everybody likes free stuff) from the Pomodoro web site.
That’s all I have for now.
Wish me luck on the rest of this minefield of an edit, and be sure to let me know if you end up using/are already using either of these techniques!
Here’s a not-so-funny side story. You remember a while back I told you about my beta readers? Well, one of them accidentally read the old 2009 version of the book instead of the new one (like a MELON). Neither of us realised this until a few weeks ago, when I asked him what he thought on a particular character, only for him to respond with, “Who’s that?” (I’d changed the character’s name between drafts). On the upside of this, I did get to hear the opinion from someone who had recently read both versions, feedback for which–for the most part–were positive. Score.
With the mindset of “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything”, I’ll keep my opinions on the 2002 film brief.
Suffice to say, it was a film with flaws, poorly-adapted characters with little to no faithfulness to the books (books plural – Queen of the Damned was an amalgamation of Anne Rice’s book of the same name, and also “The Vampire Lestat”, her previous book) it was based on. Even judged on its own merits, it was still…well, it wasn’t great. Still better than Twilight, but…
Alright, now I’ve offended any fan of this film, let’s move onto the music, shall we?!
The score was a joint venture by composer Richard Gibbs and KoRn front-man Jonathan Davis.
At the time of the film’s release, I was a 100% Davis fan girl. I was obsessed with him. I had pictures all over my wall, and I had this picture frame on my window sill that had a cutout from a magazine picture of him in it, which you can see in this picture:
Oh, I would’ve done anything–and I do mean anything–to/with that man.
But I digress; what I’m trying to get across is the fact I had a bit of a “thing” for Jonathan Davis, and it was this “thing” that got me so interested in the Queen of the Damned movie, and that kept me interested when I should have left it well alone.
The score itself is fairly short (10 tracks), and highlights for me include:
This is the musical accompaniment to the opening titles, where we see Akasha (played by the late Aaliyah) in an enigmatic series of shots. It’s a nice build-up track, lots of suspense.
The music video above only has half the track, which is a shame, because the second half has a quiet, eerie quality to it, that dips and sways into a sharp finish. It’s the only one I could find on YouTube.
One of the characters in the film, Jesse, is an orphan who has dreams of a forgotten childhood, wherein she had a family that cast her out.
The music has a very bi-polar quality to it. In the beginning, it is dark and with plenty of long, drawn-out what I think are cello notes, possibly double-bass, which is replaced by soft, tinkering bells, giving it a very child-like quality, but also quite detached and sombre.
On the beach is a scene where Lestat and Marius (played by Vincent Perez and by far one of the film’s few saving graces) are discussing the importance of concealing themselves from mortals. Lestat, having none of this, joins a gypsy girl in a violin “music-off”. Lestat’s playing becomes more frantic and eventually the gypsies become afraid and try to flee, at which point he and Marius kill them.
This is my favourite track on the score, not least because I can hear Davis’ voice in the beginning, but the violin track is wonderful: long, drawn-out and haunting notes that really grip at you.
You can see the scene itself here.
The soundtrack is a mixture of original tracks designed to be Lestat’s songs in the film, and the usual “inspired by” fare.
Mostly hard rock and metal of the late 90’s/early2000’s, featuring most of the big rollers of the time (Marilyn Manson, Disturbed, and Static X to name but a few).
Just as a bit of a side note, “Down With the Sickness” is easily one of my favourite songs of all time; I have written countless scenes to it, and I hope to continue doing so.
All the songs on the soundtrack are great, and it’s going to make for a long post if I list them all, so instead I’ll just put this playlist link in here, and you can enjoy them all.
For what I assume were legal/contractual reasons to KoRn, Davis’ vocals on the songs written specifically for the film couldn’t be included on the official soundtrack release. Instead, the album had various other artists, including Chester Bennington and Marilyn Manson, to fill-in as Lestat’s voice.
For example, here is the movie version of Forsaken, complete with a full music video, including Davis’ vocals:
And here is the soundtrack release, with Disturbed’s David Draiman providing vocals instead:
Personally, I prefer Draiman’s version, but only because that is the one I had on the soundtrack CD, so that’s the one burned into my brain. Plus, Draiman has a somewhat more powerful voice.
If we’re talking about the score, it generally goes well with writing tense scenes, with many of the tracks steadily building in intensity and leaving you feeling uncomfortable or unprepared for what’s coming.
On the other hand, the soundtrack serves better for action and fight scenes, as hard rock should.
You can download the MP3 albums on Amazon.com, with the score here and the soundtrack here.
April Fools! I’m not really making anything sexier! 9/10 characters from the series would rather stab themselves in the eyes with their own fingers than touch one another. (Confused? See this post.)
I really, really, really hope no one prefers those new covers, and I’m petrified that people will. Maybe I could release these as some kind of “special edition” hardbacks or something, I dunno.
I do find it quite apt that the announcement got more views to my blog than any other post so far, and that includes the competition where I am giving shit away. It’s true, folks. Sex really does sell. Dirty pervs.
More changes I was originally going to put on that post (but then decided not to, because I wanted it to be believable and I think these go just a touch too far) included the following character/setting changes:
So yes, there we go. I just know this is going to backfire on me somehow, but anyway, I felt like having some fun.
If you’re so inclined, feel free to download the wallpapers (right-click on the link relative to your screen type and select “Save Link As”):
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Happy April Fools’ Day!
Don’t forget I have an actual competition in search of a new name for my city.
Feel free to enter!