Category: The ‘Blood of Ages’ Series

  • Blood of Ages Twenty Years Later…

    On the 12 day of the month of March, in the year of our Lord 2000, the Vampyr Snyper Blood of Ages series was born, and the rest is history.

    That’s right. It’s 20 years to the day that I started writing what is now the Blood of Ages series. Or maybe it’s 20 years to the day that I finished the first draft of what is now the Blood of Ages series. I’m unclear on which anniversary we’re celebrating, but celebrating we are. The first draft took like two weeks maximum to write, so it’s negligible. I have this date written (by hand!) on a piece of paper, in a file, somewhere in my attic. Eventually, I will retrieve it from the mouse-eaten hellscape and provide an accurate date.

    I have taken two days off work to celebrate. Not entirely sure what I’m going to do in these two days.

    Not writing, that’s for sure.

    Just thought I’d reflect back on the last two decades of attempting to write a series of books about vampires, since it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on this blog.

    What we do here is go back…

    It was the year 2000, and I was riding my 16-year-old mind high off the back of having seen the Matrix not two months earlier. I had already written four novels by this point. That’s right. Four. I was sixteen, so – as you can imagine – they were all terrible. Author of Eragon, I was not.

    The 2000 edition of The Genesis had it all: talking door knockers, vampire drinking games, possibly dragons (or at least dragon-type creatures, I don’t remember, it’s been a long time). It was essentially The Matrix mixed with Blade, and a generous coating of inspiration from the likes of Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal.

    It was, in essence, a bit ol’ mess.

    What’s in a name?

    Like many creative projects, the Blood of Ages series didn’t start out with the name it has today. In fact, if you Google Vampyr Snyper, you can still find remnants of its earlier iterations.

    I haven’t disowned them, as such.

    I’m not going to go into much about this whole evolution of the series’ name here, but I discussed it in depth on quite a while ago, so go enjoy that if you’re so inclined.

    The Next 10 Years…

    I went through my 20’s and my stories came with me. I moved house. I got married, then divorced. I got pets. One died; the other one is still here. I ventured on into my 30’s, still writing, though notably less so. I think I went through something like depression, though it wasn’t ever diagnosed. Just life in general, I suppose. But I wrote less and less, and focused instead on my day job and my life outside of the “writing” world. I’m going to talk about this in more detail on my personal blog in the near future.

    But the short version of it is, I came back from that place, and in later 2018, I got a notification on my web site that someone had subscribed to my newsletter for updates on my series. I won’t give their name for privacy reasons, obviously, but I recognised it as the name of a person I used to be connected to on Twitter, who had obviously been so curious as to what I was up to, they had gone to the trouble of signing up to my crappy little newsletter. The pride that swelled within me when I read the notification email really can’t be topped at the moment. Someone cares about my work!

    I came back to social media shortly after that, and I also picked up the series where I’d left it abandoned by the roadside and started to write an entirely new draft of the next book.

    The Future

    And so here we are again, like I’ve never been gone. This web site feels like slipping back into an old pair of boots – comfortable and reliable.

    On the 1st March 2020, I finished the first draft of the 3rd book. I am currently letting it percolate, so that I may pick it back up in the next month or so. I am tentatively hoping for a release before the end of the year.

    I’m excited to start the next part of this journey, and hopefully share a little more this decade than I did in the closing of the last one.

    Dream Team, Then vs Now

    Let’s end with something just for fun. So on my old site, I used to have a page dedicated to the actors I envisioned playing my characters, in a dream world. Essentially a fantasy football league, but for a mediocre urban fantasy novel series that’s about as likely to be picked up as it is for humans to learn how to fly.

    Don’t really need that these days, because Pinterest exists.

    I feel like this is something a lot of writers do.

    Christina Ricci as Catrina

    Ricci has always been my Catrina, and she probably always will be, even though she’s well outside of the nineteen year old age range.

    Chloe Moretz as Catrina

    I’ve had my eye on Moretz for a while, specifically since her role as Hit Girl in Kick Ass. In that film more than anything, she has this kind of dgaf energy that I think embodies Catrina quite well.

    Taye Diggs as Jacob

    Jacob started as a pure character, a sweet cinnamon roll, a definite “lawful good” on the D&D alignment system. I think that Diggs has a sweet, innocent face, and his smile is just screams of warmth and friendliness.

    Idris Elba as Jacob

    As time has gone on, Jacob has become something of a more hardened, darker character than originally envisioned. I think Elba currently fits that feel more than Diggs.

    Ian Somerhalder as Fox

    This is cheating, (a) because Ian Somerhalder is now much too old to play the character of Fox, and (b) because Ian Somerhalder doesn’t even match the description of Fox in the first place. His eyes aren’t even the right colour. But Somerhalder, like Ricci, has always been my go-to when envisioning my characters. I still to this day haven’t found someone who fits the role better, in my mind.

    Closest I’ve got so far is Adam Driver, but I suspect that’s just because he does such a good job at playing the emo lord, Kylo Ren.

    Here’s to the next decade!

    Hopefully, I’ll still be writing here in another ten years, celebrating the 30th birthday of the series. Hopefully, by then I’ll have another 2 or 3 books released in the series, if not the whole first series complete.

    Here’s hoping! And writing!

  • Divided They Fall, Draft One* Begins

    I am going to be working on “Divided They Fall (Blood of Ages, #2)” from now until I get the edited version of “From The Ashes” back at the end of August.

    I’ve been trying to find a song to best summarise all the next book, but it’s hard.

    A lot happens in Divided They Fall: it’s easily the busiest of the three novels. Readers get to see other sides of the war. The world gets bigger. New characters arrive. Old characters leave. The order shifts. The field gets levelled.

    Basically, shit goes down.

    I think the below summarises the story’s sentiment quite well, although I do have some backup tracks.

    In all, I’m hoping to get the first draft of Divided They Fall finished by the end of November.

    * This isn’t technically the first draft, since I’ve had bits of this story floating around since 2010. However, I’m planning on writing an almost “from scratch” draft, so it’s basically the same thing.

  • The Expo Was A Success!

    So the weekend was a roaring success for me and Kier Gill at the MCM Expo in Manchester.

    Here we are just after setting up all the things:

    We were sandwiched between a MLP (My Little Pony) stand and an art print stand.

    Kier’s zombie prints were a real eye catcher–you could literally see people eyeing them up and making a beeline to the table.

    We were so unprepared it was almost funny. Kier called out at some point to get some elastic bands (which were, by the way, some of the shittest elastic bands ever. These things must’ve been around since the 1970’s or something–fairly confident they were older than me) and jiffy bags for his prints, since people were struggling to carry them away–at one point, we had to ask the lady on the print stand if we could have one of her bags.

    The two adjacent stands seemed to be good people. The MLP guy (here’s his web site) bought one of my books, and the print stand couple were staring out chopped apples at lunch. It was a nice atmosphere.

    But JESUS, was it hot. At the start it wasn’t so bad; there was a nice breeze coming from the lofty building. But then people just kept coming, and COMING.

    We had to rearrange the table at various points, because things were not getting seen. Much to Kier’s surprise, the MLP stand was hella busy, and as such we were getting overspill from that side (despite the stand owner’s best efforts to steer people to his own stand).

    We also had to move the bookmarks back, as people kept taking them–though in hindsight, I probably should’ve just let them go, since I still have a good number that will now be taking up space in my house. We did give plenty away for free with other purchases, and I had business cards that people were happy enough to take, but still, letting people take the bookmarks too would’ve spread the word even more.


    I had only 4 books left at the end of the day. I don’t know how many comics Kier sold, but judging from the movement on the day, I’m guessing it was more than me–they were cheaper, and it was a comic convention. Still, it was great to be approached and asked about my book. I really enjoyed it.

    The table got more attention after I’d set up the “It’s not like Twilight” sign.

    Somebody also came up asking where I got my t-shirt from, and I drew a complete blank, but since I’ve remembered–it was from perdita00 at RedBubble.

    All in all, a busy, exciting, and sweaty day!

  • Expo Updates, Bookmarks, Books, Comics, and More*!

    * Well, no, not more. That’s it. But that should be enough!

    So here’s the inventory we will have with us at the Manchester MCM Expo on Saturday (wow, time has flown!):

    I will be signing everything. The books, comics, bookmarks, scraps of paper, people’s faces…

    I’m really looking forward to this, and having never done a convention before, I’m sure it’s going to be an…interesting experience.

    We’re listed as “Penrefe Publications” and we’re on table P5. (Here’s a map)

    You can buy tickets to the Expo here.

    Hope to see you there!

  • Blood of Ages at Manchester MCM Expo – Manchester Comic Con

    MCM EXPO Manchester Comic ConI will be attending Manchester Comic Con with Kier Gill on the 20th July 2013.

    I’ll be selling my books (obviously). He’ll be selling the first issue of the Blood of Ages graphic novel (and some pictures of zombies or whatever else he feels like selling–I don’t know, I’m not his mother).

    You can buy tickets to the Expo here.

    We will be at table P5. (Here’s a map)

    If you are coming, you are more than welcome to come and say hi. Just don’t be offended if I don’t talk to you, or look at you awkwardly and smile awkwardly and then wait awkwardly for you to leave. I’m an introvert by nature–the entire day will be absolute torture for me.

    Maybe I’ll see you there! o/

  • Site Change (AGAIN!)

    World of Warcraft Gnome EngineerThose who know me know I love websites. I’m like a gnome (World of Warcraft, not Garden, variety) in that respect: I love to tinker.

    So I’ve done (yet another) overhaul of my sites, and reorganised my “online presence” into something more segregated, like so:

    1. I’m keeping my books, and news specifically about my books, right here.
    2. I’m putting everything specific to the Blood of Ages universe (character profiles and setting information) over at (although that’s under construction right now: check it out soon!)
    3. Everything else (my flash fiction, my reviews, my random fits of rage, my bizarre fixation with anthropomorphic cartoon animals from the late 80’s and early 90’s) will now be on my blog over at

    I can’t promise this will be the last time I mess around with the sites like this. I can’t even pretend, because I wouldn’t be able to keep a straight face.

    TL:DR Want to know about my books? You’re in the right place. Really want to know about my books? Snoop here. Want to know about me? Check out my blog. Everyone else, shut up and go home.

    2013/08/02 – I CHANGED MY MIND.

    Everything, everything, is now on